Crypto Coin DetailsCrypto Coin Details

Crypto Coin Details – How To

Navigating this site to get crypto coin details is really easy. The thought was to give a quick and practical site that could be used as a daily resource.

At the top is a crypto ticker with the current price of the coin and its 24hr change %. If you do not see a coin there you are interested in, just leave a comment letting us know and we will try and add it.

On the Main menu are external News and internal Articles. The News offers a feed with crypto info created outside of The Articles section is content created in-house. Both should be useful in their own way as the news gives you just that… updated news from the crypto space. The articles, however, offer a deeper dive into what we’ve learned in our crypto journey.

On the Main page you will find the latest Article posts. Then below that, a listing of the top 100 cryptocurrencies.

In the list, there is the coin full name, coin short name and coin logo. It also has the current coin price and live price changes (red/green). You will also find additional information on the coin such as market cap, 24hr volume, supply, 24 hour change and a snippet price graph.

Click on any of the coin names and you will get to a crypto coin detail pages. In this example, I will use Bitcoin (BTC).

These detailed pages give you the same info as the chart, but at the top of the crypto coin detail page. Then a summary of the coin below that. A crypto to other calculator to compare pricing at current values. Then at the very bottom are detailed charts and additional information.

We tried to make the crypto coin details page as useful as possible. However, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, just let us know.

Helpful Information
  • If you want to learn more about making money in crypto, check out Victory Crypto
  • If you want to learn more about beginner cryptocurrency trading lessons, check out Crypto Ultimatum
